As some folks may have gathered I can by fairly obsessive about email. I find it fascinating that while there are many alternatives email remains a mainstay for communication. As bandwidth has become cheaper and video technology developed there are many options for video conference, messaging, and photo sharing yet email is still popular.

Email is hardly a stagnant medium too as new companies develop new products built around email as a platform rather than a simple communication tool. For instance, last month the BostonInno profiled a new start-up called Pluto that was created by two law students at Harvard Law. The email service allows users to have greater control over their email through allowing senders to edit emails prior to them being read and recall them after they have been sent.

The cultural relevance of email can be explained by many factors: simplicity to understand, implementation, and ubiquity of service options. As email has embedded itself in the psyche of work culture I have created a special page on my site to collect information on email services, processes, and articles (including why not to use email). As email continues to evolve I hope to build out the page to include further resources and information, and can be useful to folks trying to figure out a use case for email (or why not to use email). If you'd like to suggest resources to include please comment below.